《Changjiang Weekly》聚焦武汉对欧招商 向世界介绍武汉


10月31日,《Changjiang Weekly》推出特刊,聚焦武汉对欧招商,全方位介绍武汉经济发展趋势、未来规划和面临的战略机遇,向世界展示武汉的地理、人文、科技、营商环境、国际化等优势。


特刊封面黄鹤楼和德国友城的杜伊斯堡港两两相望,“W”象征着武汉,“E”象征着欧洲,形成大写的“我们”(WE),主标题”一起共享未来“(A shared future),寓意携手一起创未来。底部拉通的长江一眼望数桥的照片连接彼此,希望双方的交往,无论是经济、文化、民生往来都成为桥梁。


《Changjiang Weekly》特刊内页用图文并茂的连通彩版,讲述了武汉是引领中国中部开放发展的“排头兵”。近年来,武汉持续加大对外开放力度,不断深化汉欧经贸合作,截至2021年底,欧洲国家企业在汉设立外资企业541家,直接投资28.7亿美元。欧盟是武汉第一大贸易伙伴,2021年武汉市与欧洲国家货物贸易进出口额达83.54亿美元。当前,武汉与欧洲经贸合作前景广阔。




“在武汉有怎样的发展机遇?武汉有什么优势?……”《Changjiang Weekly》报道如下:


7,578 foreign-funded companies in Wuhan in 2021

92 universities & colleges

121 scientific institutions

309 Fortune Global 500 enterprises investing in Wuhan as of 2021

29 state key laboratories

148 state-level technology & industry innovation platforms

Geographical advantage

Located at the junction of the Yangtze River, the third longest river in the world, and the Han River, its largest tributary, Wuhan consists of three main areas: Hankou, Hanyang, and Wuchang.

It's called the "City of Lakes" with 166 lakes scattered about the city. Numerous aspects of the city's rich culture have been shaped by its water resources and other natural features.

Situated at the geographical center of China, Wuhan has a privileged location. It's referred to as the "thoroughfare to nine provinces," having convenient transportation and logistics capabilities.

Wuhan has more than 50 international air routes, covering over 50 international navigation points on five continents.

China-Europe freight trains (Wuhan)

China-Europe freight trains (Wuhan) has launched 30 routes since its opening in 2012, linking the city with 76 cities in 34 nations in Eurasia.

Wuhan welcomed a total of 240 such freight train trips in the first half of 2022, a year-on-year increase of 62 percent.

Inland 'coastal city'

Wuhan plays an important role for the economy in Central China. Its "dual pivots," namely the Wuhan Tianhe International Airport and the Ezhou Huahu Airport, along with its eastbound river-sea transport route, southbound land-sea transport channel, and its westbound and northbound passages traversed by Wuhan-Europe freight trains, join hands to make Wuhan a new inland "coastal city."

Solid industrial foundation

In the 1970s, when a consortium composed of Mannesmann Demag AG, Krupp, and Thyssen was establishing the cold rolling steel mill in Wuhan, about 300 German engineers and their families lived in the city, most from Duisburg.

On the recommendation of the Duisburg municipal government in 1984, a German expert Werner Gerich was appointed director of the Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory, the first "foreign factory director" after China's reform and opening-up. A bronze statue of him is still in the Hanzheng Street Urban Industrial Park in Wuhan.

Through the years, Wuhan has built a strong manufacturing capacity in areas such as steel, petrochemicals, and ships. The city's optics, chip, screen, internet, vehicle manufacturing and service, big health, and other industrial clusters are becoming world-class.

Major European economies' strength in industries such as vehicle manufacturing, bio-medicine, aerospace, high-end equipment manufacturing, and environmental protection are highly complementary to Wuhan's current industrial foundation and in line with the city's development goals.

Sino-German Industrial Park

100 days from signing to opening

Leading German auto parts manufacturer Webasto announced in July that it will build a global research center at the Sino-German International Industrial Park in Wuhan.

Also at the industrial park, which was launched by the governments of both countries, the industry giant founded its largest plant in the world three years ago.

The factory is capable of producing 2,000 sunroofs per day and achieved an output value of RMB 1 billion (USD 150 million) last year.

Zhang Lihua, chairman of Webasto China, said the industrial zone offers enterprises a favorable business climate, thanks to its large talent pool and quality services.

"It only took us about 100 days to go from the contract signing to the factory opening thanks to the services provided by the zone," Zhang said.

More than 100 companies, including 58 from abroad, have been launched in the park, forming the four major industries of electronic information, auto parts, smart equipment and the smart home.

It has attracted more than 30 leading international companies such as Webasto, Siemens, Unipers and BorgWarner to settle there.

Sino-French Eco-Demonstration City

12 core projects begin

The Sino-French Wuhan Eco-Demonstration City is a collaborative project for sustainable development witnessed by the heads of both China and France. Construction on 12 core projects commenced there in March. They include a lakeside ecological conservation belt, a French-style animation-themed amusement park, sports facilities, and an international school.

Low cost

Wuhan also has obvious advantages in operating costs — low costs in business, logistics, and living. Prices of water, natural gas, and electricity in the city rank 35th, 24th, and 9th respectively among large- and medium-sized cities in the country.

Strategic opportunities

Wuhan enjoys overlapping strategic opportunities: a superior transportation location, strong industrial strength, powerful innovation momentum, and a broad market for applications.

The city warmly welcomes entrepreneurs from European countries to invest and start businesses and will create favorable conditions for entrepreneurs with its best investment environment. Let's together create a better future for all.


"The economic cooperation between China and Germany has a deep and solid foundation. It is hoped that we can promote the better development of the Sino-German Industrial Park in the future."

—Julia Fehske, the Economic Affairs Officer of the German Embassy in China, said at the Sino-German International Industrial Park Planning and Investment Promotion Meeting held in Wuhan in July

"In only 3 days, Caidian District completed the industrial and commercial registration and tax registration of the project."

—Sun Shaohua, CEO of Osann China, said when visiting Wuhan with German entrepreneurs in 2021

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